Monday, February 28, 2011

Wake up call

When a friend is at my house, I often can't contain myself
(and I have to be contained until she wakes up)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Finally, the big news...

That's right, I'm a walking girl
(in my special walking shoes)

...catch me if you can

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Letter From a Friend

Today I received this note from my good friend Simon (he lives in France):

Dear Anne,
As an avid follower of your blog, I'm waiting for an update!
On your last post, you promised to give us an update "sooner than one month and two days" ... well, it was January 22nd !
So, the 1 month and 2 days have passed, at least on French time! ;o)
But as there are still 6 hours before the 1 month and 2 days pass on EST, maybe there will be a new entry on your blog when I wake up! :o)

I can't disappoint my good friend Simon, so here's what I've been up to this past month:

Cross-country skiing

Trying new foods
(that would be peanut butter in my hair)


And for the BIGGEST NEWS of all, you'll have to check back tomorrow...

(I think I kept my promise Simon by approx 15mins EST :)